
How To Store Fondant Decorations: 4 Helpful Tips

how to store fondant decorations

Are you looking for superb ways how to store fondant decorations? Fondant decorations are an excellent way to cover cakes. Although, it can be challenging to work with, especially when decorating a cake. For this reason, you have to consider the environment and weather since they can significantly affect the homemade fondant’s performance and texture. … Read more

How Long Is Fondant Good For? 3 Helpful Tips

how long is fondant good for

Fondant can be a wonderful tool to use for decorating cakes. However, you may have wondered, how long is fondant good for? The great thing about fondant is that it lets your creative side run wild. You can create beautiful designs that you wouldn’t be able to make with just frosting. Once you get the … Read more