
Freeze Dried Strawberry Powder – The Ultimate Guideline

Last Updated on August 11, 2022

If you want to learn more about freeze-dried strawberry powder, then this article is for you. Find out exactly what it is and the best ways to use it.

And, we have even included a step-by-step guide to make your own at home! This way you can re-use ripened or nearly expired strawberries and cut back on food wastage.

Making this powder is fun and a great way to elevate your dishes and drinks, no matter what they are!

What Is Freeze-dried Strawberry Powder?

Freeze-dried strawberry powder is made from cut strawberries that have been freeze dried. This freezing technique removes all of the moisture in the berries. Then, these dried berry pieces are pulverized to create a very fine powder that is an extremely vibrant color.

This strawberry powder has a sweet and tangy taste that is used to color and flavor a ton of baked goods, sauces, and drinks.

Where Can You Buy Strawberry Powder?

The freeze-dried strawberry powder can be bought from your nearest grocery shop or health shop. Be sure to check the dried fruit or health aisle for the freeze-dried strawberry powder. If you can’t find it, ask a grocery store assistant or the information counter.

This powder can also be ordered online and delivered to your doorstep within a few days! Amazon is a fantastic place to start, especially because you will have loads of options to choose from.

How many strawberries per tablespoon of freeze-dried powder?

If you are trying to calculate how much freeze-dried strawberry powder you need to buy to substitute fresh strawberries, you can use this conversion.

1 tablespoon of freeze-dried strawberry powder is equivalent to 0.2 pounds (200 grams) of fresh strawberries with their tops removed.

where to buy freeze dried strawberry powder

How Can You Make Freeze Dried Strawberry Powder At Home?

Making freeze-dried strawberry powder at home is a great way to utilize strawberries that are ripe or on the verge of spoiling! You don’t even have to worry all that much about their consistency or color. Once dried, the consistency won’t matter and the color will intensify.

And, to make it even better, the entire process is extremely easy! So, let’s have a look at exactly what this process entails.


  • Fresh strawberries (a large amount makes the strawberry powder easier to blend)


  • Paper towel
  • Baking tray
  • Non-stick parchment paper
  • An oven or dehydrator
  • Freezer
  • Blender
  • Sift

Steps For Making Freeze Dried Strawberry Powder At Home

Step 1: Prepare the strawberries

First, preheat your oven to 212°F (100°C).

Thoroughly wash and dry all your strawberries. Remove the green tops and pat the strawberries dry with a paper towel. Then, cut the strawberries into thin slices.

Step 2: Dehydrate the strawberries

Place the sliced strawberries onto a parchment paper-lined baking tray. Dehydrate the strawberries in the oven for 3-4 hours or until they are crisp. The strawberries should not be soft in any part.

Be patient and make sure they are thoroughly dehydrated before removing them from the oven. Do not overcrowd the strawberry slices on the paper.

Step 3: Freeze the strawberries

Once the strawberries have dehydrated, allow them to cool completely. Then, place them in the freezer until they are completely frozen. You can leave them overnight to make sure that they are rock solid.

Step 4: Blend the dried frozen slices

Place the frozen strawberries into the blender. Pulverize the slices at a high speed until they become a fine powder.

Step 5: Sift the powder

Sift the blended powder to make sure there are no pieces left that might not have blended. Store the powder in an airtight container and keep it away from any moisture or heat.

Natierra Nature’s All Foods Organic Freeze-Dried 4 Pk Variety

Are There Different Kinds Of Freeze Dried Strawberry Powders?

Technically, this freeze-dried strawberry powder is what it is. There aren’t really variations other than additives that manufacturers sometimes add. This includes anything from stabilizers, anti-caking agents, colorants, and flavorings. They also sometimes add sugar to make the mixture sweeter.

Always make sure to check the packaging for added ingredients. They legally have to declare anything they added, especially if it is common allergens.

Although there aren’t variations of freeze-dried strawberry powder, there are many other types of freeze-dried fruit powders. This includes blueberry, raspberry, apple, mango, and many more! They are made in exactly the same way and can also be used in similar ways.

Nutritional Value Of Freeze-dried Strawberry Powder

You would think that freeze-drying the strawberries will cause the strawberries to lose nutrients. But, unlike many other processing techniques, it really doesn’t!

The freeze-dried strawberry powder actually retains all the original nutrients of the strawberries! So, consuming freeze-dried strawberry powder is just like eating the real deal. Just check the packaging of the powder for additives, especially sweeteners like sugar. While sweeteners do make the powder more flavorful, it naturally also makes it less healthy.

Two tablespoons of freeze-dried strawberry powder can contain up to 250% of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. And, as you might know, vitamin C helps boost the immune system.

Freeze-dried strawberry powder is also high in fiber and a great source of antioxidants.

What Can You Use Freeze Dried Strawberry Powder For?

This strawberry powder can be used in so many different ways! The freeze-dried strawberry powder can be used to replace artificial flavorings like essences. And, it is also a great natural coloring ingredient (if of course, the powder itself is all-natural).

Since the powder is a bit tangy, but also naturally sweet, it makes a great additive to desserts or basically anything creamy! Just think of it as strawberries, but in a powdered form.

It can be added to smoothies, used to make strawberry vinaigrette’s, dusted on desserts as a garnish, incorporated into cupcakes, cakes, or muffins batters, or even just sprinkled over oatmeal at breakfast!

how to make freeze dried strawberry powder

Final Words

This powder is a great alternative for artificial strawberry flavorings and just a healthy additive to meals. Let us know some of the ways you like to use this colorful powder!


Where to buy freeze dried strawberry powder?

This powder is very easy to find. You can buy freeze dried strawberry powder at virtually any health shop. You can even find it at your local grocery store. And, for a more convenient option, you can check online.

What is freeze-dried strawberry powder?

When using this technique at home, you are essentially first dehydrating the strawberries completely before blending them into a fine powder. This powder is easier to incorporate as a flavoring in recipes.

Freeze dried strawberry powder equivalent to how many strawberries?

1 tablespoon of this powder is equivalent to 0.2 pounds (200 grams) of freshly cut strawberries with their tops removed.

How to make freeze dried strawberry powder?

First, clean and slice the strawberries. Then, dehydrate them in an oven or dehydrator on a low temperature setting for roughly 4-6 hours. Once they have been completely cooled, freeze them overnight. Lastly, blend the dried slices in a blender and sift them to remove any large chunks.

Freeze Dried Strawberry Powder


  • Paper towel
  • Baking Tray
  • Non-stick parchment paper
  • An oven or dehydrator
  • Freezer
  • Blender
  • Sift


  • Fresh strawberries (a large amount makes the strawberry powder easier to blend)


  • First, preheat your oven to 212°F (100°C).
    Thoroughly wash and dry all your strawberries. Remove the green tops and pat the strawberries dry with a paper towel. Then, cut the strawberries into thin slices.
  • Place the sliced strawberries onto a parchment paper-lined baking tray. Dehydrate the strawberries in the oven for 3-4 hours or until they are crisp. The strawberries should not be soft in any part.
    Be patient and make sure they are thoroughly dehydrated before removing them from the oven. Do not overcrowd the strawberry slices on the paper.
  • Once the strawberries have dehydrated, allow them to cool completely. Then, place them in the freezer until they are completely frozen. You can leave them overnight to make sure that they are rock solid.
  • Place the frozen strawberries into the blender. Pulverize the slices at a high speed until they become a fine powder.
  • Sift the blended powder to make sure there are no pieces left that might not have blended. Store the powder in an airtight container and keep it away from any moisture or heat.
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