Do You Need to Grease Silicone Chocolate Molds: All You Need to Know

Last Updated on February 10, 2023

We’re going to be answering the question: do you need to grease silicone chocolate molds? This guide includes what they are, how to make them, and how to use them!

These are only a few of the most important things to know when it comes to working with silicone molds most effectively and efficiently. Ready to dive into the world of molded chocolate?

What Are Silicone Molds For Chocolate?

Silicone molds are arguably the best types of mold to have in a kitchen! They seem almost luxurious.

And, specifically, when working with chocolate, these molds are without a doubt the best! The main reason these molds are favored across the globe is that they are much easier to work with and arguably even more affordable than traditional molds.

These molds enable you to easily create different types of molded chocolate treats. This includes Easter bunnies, bonbons, truffles, and loads more!

Traditional Chocolate Mold vs Silicone Molds for Chocolate

In the 1800s, chocolate molds were usually made from metal. The designs were elaborate and fancy. When plastic molds came around, they revolutionized not only the industrial market but also made it more accessible to home chocolatiers. Plastic molds are not only easier to use and more widely available, but they are also less expensive!

Plastic chocolate molds are already a step up, and then, along came silicone molds!

So what’s the difference? Convenience!

Silicone molds are not always the cheapest option (compared to plastic molds), but when it comes to chocolate, it’s the safest option!

Unlike plastic molds, silicone molds are pliable which means the mold itself can be manipulated to safely get the molded chocolate out. Chocolate is extremely fragile, especially if it has been spread thinly in a mold.

Plastic molds can’t be bent or manipulated to loosen the product. This means if the chocolate doesn’t come out easily, it has to be manipulated, which probably means it’s going to break!

Silicone molds are also easier to clean. And, it can withstand temperatures up to 375°F (191°C), which means it can be used for baking.

how to melt chocolate for silicone molds

How to Use Silicone Molds

Using silicone molds is easier than you think. Both plastic and silicone molds are used in the same way. All you need to do is melt your candy melts (by either microwave or the double boiler method). Then once melted, you can either add to a piping bag, squeeze bottle, or simply spoon it in. Fill the molds and tap lightly to level the chocolate out evenly and remove any air bubbles.

All you need to do then is wait for the chocolate to set. Removing chocolate from silicone molds is super easy to do, and you simply need to gently tap to release them.

How to Fill a Chocolate Mold

Filling a chocolate mold couldn’t be easier. Silicone and plastic molds work similarly. You can use almost anything to fill your chocolate mold – a squeeze bottle is ideal, but a spoon will also work just fine. Then just fill each cavity with your melted chocolate. To remove air bubbles, gently tap the tray. You can also use a toothpick to remove any air bubbles on the surface. Leave to set.

Do You Need to Grease Silicone Chocolate Molds?

You don’t typically need to grease a silicone chocolate mold. However, it does depend on the quality of the silicone, and factors such as whether your chocolate mold is FDA-approved, etc.

With less expensive molds, you may want to use cooking spray to lightly grease your molds. Or you could also use butter and a light dusting of flour. This will ensure there’s a lower risk of your chocolate breaking when you remove it. It’s also recommended to grease large molds, no matter the quality. This is because they’re more likely to break or have cracks.

Greasing also helps clean your molds, so it may be worth doing to keep your silicone molds extra clean.

Can I Put Silicone Molds in the Oven?

Of course! Silicone molds are ideal for use in the oven. The temperatures they can withstand will vary depending on the quality. They’ll typically say which temperatures they’re resistant to on the packaging.

Different Types of Silicone Molds for Chocolate

When it comes to silicone molds for chocolate, there are so many different options! You just need to choose the correct mold for the correct purpose.


Silicone molds come in many different sizes. Because silicone is flexible, it’s always recommended to use smaller molds. They are easier to move around and handle. But, don’t go too small or you will end up having to make way to multiple batches.

Bigger-sized silicone mold trays should be placed on cookie sheets to make sure your chocolate doesn’t misshape. 


In general, all silicone molds are more or less the same thickness. Thicker silicone molds will be a bit easier to use, but more difficult to remove delicate molded chocolates.

Thinner silicone molds will unmold easily but might damage the chocolate if it’s too flimsy to hold the shape.


Silicone molds for chocolate come in all kinds of shapes! Make sure to choose the best shape for specific chocolate needs.

Elaborate shapes might seem tempting to buy, but just remember, the more elaborate the shape, the trickier the chocolate might be to unmold.

The best and easiest shapes to unmold are fairly plain shapes like circles or squares. But we must add, if you want to do elaborate shapes, silicone is much easier to use than plastic.


Silicone molds can withstand heat up to 375°F (190°C). Because there are so many producers of silicone molds, these temperatures may vary.

If you are only using the mold for chocolate molding purposes, the mold doesn’t need to withstand high temperatures. But, if it can, it makes the mold so much more versatile.

Dragon Chocolate Mold

How to Make Silicone Molds for Chocolate?

This might seem a bit complicated, but it is possible to make your own silicone molds at home! And, it can be a fun activity to get the family and kids involved.

What You Will Need to Make Silicone Molds for Chocolate

  • A bowl of water
  • Liquid dish soap
  • A tube of pure silicone (which can be purchased from your local hardware store)

How to Make Your Own Chocolate Silicone Molds

Step 1: Prepare the Water

Fill your bowl with room-temperature water and dish soap. We recommend using 1 part dish soap to 10 parts water.

Step 2: Make Your Silicone Mold

Squeeze a good amount of silicone into the water. Knead the silicone for roughly 5 minutes or until it is no longer sticky.

Remove the silicone from the water and pat it dry. Shape it into a disc. You can now mold your disc as you would like using tools. Alternatively, you can place an item in the silicone, like a toy car, pebble, or egg – whichever shape and size you’d like.

Allow the silicone to harden before removing the item and using the mold. Make sure that it is clean.

Making Chocolate Molds Silicone – Another Great Option

If you’re looking to make your own silicone, it’s super easy to do and doesn’t require too much equipment or ingredients. To make your own shaped silicone molds for chocolate, all you need to do is:

  1. First, you’ll need to buy some silicone. You can usually buy this from a hardware store, or online stores such as Amazon. Once it’s arrived, you’ll need to remove the desired amount of silicone from the container. There are a few types available, but be sure you haven’t bought the type that sets quickly.
  2. However much silicone you’ve used, you’ll then need to add two times the amount of cornstarch; or something similar like potato starch, or even cornflour. The ratio is two parts cornstarch, to one part silicone.
  3. At this point, you can make your mold colored. To do this, you’ll simply need to add 2-3 drops of paint. The best type of paint for this is acrylic paint.
  4. Once the ingredients are mixed, you’ll need to put on some gloves. The next step involves kneading the silicone by hand. Keep kneading the mixture until you have a moldable shape.
  5. Roll the ball in your hands until you can make a circular shape. Flatten on a flat surface and then add whatever shape you want to make into the mold – a toy car, unicorn, etc. Ensure it’s pressed deep enough into the silicone. Leave for around 20 minutes for the silicone to be firm, but flexible.
  6. Now gently remove the item from the mold. Your mold is now ready to use!

How to Use Silicone Molds for Chocolate

Silicone molds are super easy to use! Simply place your silicone mold on a tray and pour your melted chocolate into the tray, and there you go.

And, if you are making hollow chocolates, you can simply continuously coat the mold with chocolate to create a thick layer.

Once the chocolate has hardened, gently remove the molded chocolate from the silicone shape and serve.

Tips and Tricks

  • Silicone molds don’t have to be greased when making molded chocolate. They have natural non-sticking properties.
  • Tap the mold lightly on the tray a few times to allow air bubbles in the chocolate to rise to the top. Pop them with a toothpick for smooth chocolates.
  • Brush a thin layer of chocolate on the inside of the mold and allow it to set before pouring the chocolate into the mold. This will help prevent air bubbles.
  • Always make sure your chocolate is at the right consistency. Chocolate that isn’t melted properly won’t set smoothly.
  • Tempered chocolate will create shiny molded chocolates that crack when broken into.

How to Melt Chocolate for Silicone Mold?

There are a few ways to melt chocolate! Always remember, good quality chocolates need to be tempered before using them to ensure the chocolate has a snap, is shiny, and doesn’t melt as easily when handled.


Chocolate can be quickly melted in the microwave. Place the chocolate in a heat-proof bowl and only work in 15-20 second intervals.

Stir well between each interval to prevent the chocolate from burning or seizing.

Au Bain-Marie

The safest and best way to melt chocolate is over a pot of hot water. The process is a bit more lengthy, but the outcome is better.

Melt the chocolate in a heat-proof bowl over a pot of hot water.  Stir the chocolate until it’s melted.

silicone molds for chocolate

Wrapping It Up

I hope this post has helped to answer the question: do you need to grease silicone chocolate molds? Silicone molds for chocolate will make your life so much easier! If you enjoyed reading this article, be sure to let us know in the comments below and go check out some of our other chocolate articles.


How to use silicone molds for chocolate?

You can simply fill the mold with melted chocolate to make solid molded chocolates. But, if you want to create hollow chocolate molds, you can brush on layers of chocolate until it is thick enough to unmold.

How to make silicone molds for chocolate?

First, combine 1 part dish soap with 10 parts water. Pour store-bought silicone into the water and knead it for 5 minutes. Then, remove the silicone, press it into a disc, and mold it using your hands, special tools, or a shape like a car. Then, allow the silicone to set before cleaning and using it.

How to melt chocolate for silicone molds?

You can melt chocolate in the microwave or over a hot water bath. To melt chocolate in a water bath, simply put it inside a heat-proof bowl and over simmering water. Continuously stir until all of the chocolate has melted. When using a microwave, simply place it inside in 15-20 second intervals stirring frequently.

Do silicone molds need to be greased when used for chocolate?

You do not need to grease silicone molds when making molded chocolate. Silicone have naturally anti-sticking properties, so your chocolate will never stick.

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