
Can You Freeze Angel Food Cake? 3 Easy Steps

Last Updated on February 16, 2023

The question of whether can you freeze angel food cake is ages old, the short answer is yes but the real question is how? Angel food cake is a very special dessert. It is made out of, mainly, egg whites. This makes it a bit less stable than other desserts like cookies or brownies.

In the fridge, it will not last longer than a week. So you can definitely freeze it if you find yourself needing to store it for longer. We have some advice, though, and we hope it is helpful for you!

Can You Freeze Angel Food Cake?

Freezing angel food cake is a great way to store it without it going bad in the fridge. It is a great candidate for freezing because it does not have oils in it. Oils are the main issue baked goods have in the freezer as they can separate from the rest of the dessert. In this case, you will not encounter that problem.

Can You Freeze Angel Food Cake

How Long can you Freeze Angel Food Cake?

Actually, it can last from 4 to 6 months in the freezer maintaining its first-day glory unscathed. What we do recommend, however, is that you freeze it as soon as you can. This will preserve its airy and fluffy texture and prevent it from drying out. I mean, it being a fat-free dessert is great but it does make it dry out sooner rather than later.

Can You Freeze Angel Food Cake? The Best Way to Do It

1. First, you will want to cut the cake into slices and wrap them in two layers of plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn.

2. Place each slice, with its protective layers, inside freezer bags and label them. Remember to take the air out and seal them as well.

3. Place the bags into a large container and then into the freezer. You have a dessert for 6 months! Hurray!

The Best Way to Do It

This is a great way to do it because you will prevent any freezer burn. Angel food cake is a delicate flavor and is susceptible to picking up any odors that are present inside the freezer. Imagine a chicken-flavored angel food cake… That does not sound appealing at all!

This method will also prevent the cake from getting squished by anything, as you will place it inside a hard container.

Read more about How to Freeze Buttercream Covered Cakes

Can You Freeze Angel Food Cake Whole?

Yes, you can freeze an angel food cake whole. This a great way to make a cake ahead of time if you have a busy schedule. Freezing a cake whole is easy and works well, as it will maintain your cake’s freshness if you do it right.

After baking your angel food cake, allow it to fully cool on a wire rack before freezing. This is very important as you don’t want to freeze the cake when it is still warm since it can change the texture.

Once cool, wrap your angel food cake in a layer of plastic wrap followed by a layer of aluminum foil. Be sure to wrap it well to reduce the chances of your cake getting freezer burn.

Once wrapped, carefully place your cake on a flat surface in your freezer in a place that it won’t get squished. If desired, you can place your cake in a cake box so it won’t get smushed by other food in the freezer.

As stated above, you can freeze your angel food cake for up to four to six months. When ready to enjoy, allow your angel food cake to thaw overnight in the fridge. Then, allow it to come to room temperature before serving.

For best results, freeze your angel food cake without any glaze or whipped cream topping, as it typically doesn’t freeze well. It is best to add your glaze or topping to your angel food cake after your cake has thawed in the fridge.

Does Angel Food Cake Need to be Refrigerated?

Angel food cake does not need to be refrigerated, as you can store it at room temperature in an airtight container for up to one to three days. However, you can prolong the shelf life of an angel food cake by storing it in the fridge.

Angel food cake can last for up to one week in the fridge when properly stored. For best results, store your angel food cake in an airtight container such as a cake stand with a dome.

If your angel food cake is decorated with whipped cream, you should store it in the fridge when not serving. It will stay fresh in the fridge for two to three days with the whipped cream topping.

Can You Freeze Cake Batter?

Cake batter can be frozen ahead of time. You can then thaw your cake batter and then bake your cake. The batter should be frozen within two days of making it and the sooner you freeze it the better.

Pour it into a Ziploc bag or an airtight container to freeze your batter. To make things easier, you can portion out your cake batter based on how many layers you are going to bake.

Once ready to use, allow your cake batter to thaw overnight in the fridge. Once thawed, bring your cake batter to room temperature before baking according to the recipe’s instructions. The cake batter will last in the freezer for around three months.

Not all cake batters freeze as well as others. For example, cakes that are leavened with egg whites such as chiffon and angel food cakes will not freeze well as batters. The freezing process will cause the egg whites to deflate in the batter, so you won’t have a fluffy cake once baked.

Can You Freeze Angel Food Cake? Defrosting Your Cake

Remember that to defrost anything, you need to place it in the fridge and NOT at room temperature! It will take a few hours for your cake to reach its pre-freezer stage, so be patient!

If you cannot wait, though, you can always just place it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

We recommend you eat it right away! It will dry out pretty quickly. If this happens, you can always add some fruit sauce, it pairs up nicely.

And another thing, never refreeze cake you have already thawed!


As a final tip, if you ever see a green spot on your cake, then it’s time for you to dump it, no matter how delicious it once was. If it has a weird smell, throw it out too. Better safe than sorry!

Do you have any questions regarding whether can you freeze angel cake? If so, please ask your angel food cake questions below.

Read more about The Best Angel Food Cake Topping Ideas And Frostings

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