
How to Store Uncooked Meringue Mixture: 2 Easy Methods

Last Updated on February 12, 2023

Unfortunately, meringues are very delicate. Even an uncooked mixture isn’t shelf-stable. Today, we look at how to store uncooked meringue mixture, in the best way.

We have developed techniques that are perfectly suited for the different types of meringues to ensure you can keep yours for as long as possible. And, both are very easy to use! You don’t even need any special equipment.

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What Are Meringues?

There are a couple of items that are all commonly referred to as meringues. First, and one of the most common items called meringue, is a sugar-based fluffy mixture used to create various desserts. There are three types of meringues, namely Italian, Swiss, and French meringues. Each is made differently and has different uses.

This meringue mixture can be used in frostings, to make macarons, for batters, and as a topping for lemon meringue. It is an extremely sweet mixture that has a sticky, fluffy, and glossy consistency.

Then, you get treats which are also called meringues. These are made using a meringue mixture. The mixture is piped or shaped onto a lined baking pan and is then baked to dry out the mixture. This eventually gives you a crispy, light, and airy item that can, in turn, be used in many ways.

The concept of a baked meringue is used for making pavlovas, meringue kisses, and meringue mushrooms.

Now, as you can imagine, the main two items are completely different from each other. Meaning, the way that they will need to be stored also differs completely! Meringue bases (or mixtures) have a very high moisture content whereas baked meringue treats are dried out.

How do you store meringues before using them

How to Store Uncooked Meringue Mixture and Meringue

Before going into more detail on exactly how to store the different types of meringues out there, let’s briefly look at how the storage methods differ. This will essentially give you a summary of what you need to know.

First up, the raw uncooked meringue mixture. This mixture has a very high moisture content. That also means that it can dry out. So, you will need to cover it well before storing it.

Furthermore, the eggs used in this mixture will not have been cooked yet. This means that it is a highly perishable ingredient that will need to be stored inside a fridge.

For meringue kisses, aka baked or dried meringue treats, you will have to prevent them from absorbing any moisture. These are dried products that need to stay crispy and dry. Otherwise, when they come into contact with moisture, the sugar will melt and become sticky.

So, the baked meringues are stored in an entirely different way from the uncooked meringue mixture. They should never be kept inside the fridge.

How to Store Meringues – What You Will Need (The Fluffy Mixtures)


  • Rubber or silicone spatula
  • Airtight container
  • Plastic or saran wrap

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Place the Meringue Mixture Into an Airtight Container

Decant the meringue mixture into an airtight container. Use a rubber or silicone spatula to ensure you get as much mixture into the container to prevent any wastage.

Meringue is also very porous, so we prefer using glass containers. They can be sterilized which will remove any fats, stains, and odors. This will directly mean that your meringue will have a longer shelf life.

Step 2: Seal the Meringue Mixture

Next, level out the mixture into the container. Do not press it too tightly as that will simply remove air from it. And, as you may know, you need an aerated meringue mixture.

Then, place a sheet of plastic or saran wrap directly onto the surface of the meringue. This technique will help prevent the surface from drying out and the skin from forming.

Step 3: Store the Mixture in a Fridge

Once the plastic sheet is covering the meringue, place the airtight lid onto the container. Set the mixture inside the fridge.

Make sure it is completely away from any cooked foods or raw perishable ingredients. Also, try to not store it at the back of the fridge. This area is usually very cold and may even freeze your meringue mixture.

Use the mixture the next day. It won’t last very long. Otherwise, you will need to freeze it.

How to Store Meringues – What You Will Need (Baked Meringues Like Pavlova or Kisses)


  • Airtight container
  • Plastic or saran wrap

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Place the Baked Meringues Inside Containers

Place the baked meringue items inside airtight containers. For smaller items, you can use any type of container. But, for large items such as pavlovas, you may need to simply wrap the entire thing (gently) in plastic wrap.

Whichever item needs to be stored, just make sure that the container is completely airtight. This will prevent any moisture from coming into contact with the items.

Step 2: Store the Baked Meringues

Next, place the baked meringue containers in a cool dry place. A pantry or food cupboard works. Make sure it doesn’t come into contact with direct light and that it is away from heat sources.

Both of these elements can cause the container to sweat, which creates moisture. This will ruin the dried meringue treats.

Can I keep the meringue mixture in the fridge

Tips and Tricks: How to Store Meringues

  • If you store uncooked meringue, make sure to use it within a day. Otherwise, freeze the entire container for later use. The mixture won’t have the best features when thawed, but at least you won’t be wasting any mixture.
  • Always make sure your containers are free of stains, odors, and fattiness. Both these kinds of meringues are highly porous and will easily be spoilt by these elements.
  • Work gently with the mixtures as you decant them. You don’t want them to deflate and lose their airy texture.

How to Store Meringue

There are many ways to store meringue which will make the shelf life as long and effective as possible. The storage methods all depend on whether the meringue is baked or not, and whether the meringue has any toppings. Let’s take a closer look.

  • Baked Meringue. The baked meringue should be stored in a cool, dry place. They must be kept away from any kind of humidity for the best results. They should be cooled at room temperature after being baked, and then kept in an airtight container. Then moved to a cool, dry place. If stored this way, they should last around 2-3 weeks. Separating layers with parchment paper is the best thing to do.
  • Meringue is Used as a Topping. If you’re making a meringue pie, for example, it should be kept in the fridge. Chill and cover with saran wrap, for best results.
  • Uncooked Meringue. This should be stored in the fridge as soon as possible in an airtight container, and then consumed within 24 hours. With uncooked meringue mixture, it’s probably best to use it immediately, if you can.

How Long Do Meringues Last?

Meringues can last anywhere from 2-3 weeks. For the freshest meringues, it’s best to store them in an airtight container at room temperature.

Can You Store Meringue in the Fridge?

It depends on whether the meringue is cooked, or uncooked. If it’s uncooked, it should be stored in an airtight container in the fridge, for no more than 24 hours. However, if the meringue has been cooked, it should never be stored in the fridge. Moisture is the enemy of baked meringue. It’s always best to keep baked meringue at room temperature, in an airtight container.

Can You Freeze Meringue?

Of course! Like most foods, meringue can be frozen. When freezing meringue, you should keep it in a freezer-friendly container. If your meringue is uncooked, it can last around 8-10 months, if stored correctly. If the meringues are baked, they’ll only stay frozen for around a month. After this time, it won’t taste as good as it used to.

How to Store Meringue Cookies

The storage of meringue cookies is very similar to traditional baked meringues. At room temperature, a sealed container is the best way to store them. When stored this way, meringue cookies will last around 5 days. If they’re exposed to any moisture, they’ll become sticky and unpleasant.

How to Make Basic Meringues

If you’re looking for a way to make basic meringues, then look no further. For this recipe, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 4 egg whites
  • 1 cup of caster sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • pinch of salt

Now all you need to do is:

  1. Gather all of the ingredients you need and preheat your oven to 250F. You’ll also need to line a baking sheet or two with parchment paper.
  2. Grab a bowl and add the following ingredients: salt and egg whites. Beat well until soft peaks begin to form. At this point, gradually add the caster sugar and keep mixing.
  3. Once fully mixed, beat for around 5 minutes, and add the vanilla extract.
  4. Drop the meringue onto your lined baking sheets and place it into the preheated oven. Once in the oven, reduce the temperature to 200F and bake for around 90 minutes.
  5. Leave meringues to cool before removing them from the oven. Serve and enjoy!

Final Thoughts

How to store meringue may seem daunting, but we hope this post has helped you to learn how to store uncooked meringue mixture. Especially because there are so many different factors that can ruin it; hopefully, after reading our in-depth article, you feel a lot more comfortable and confident in storing your sweet treats – whatever their form may be!

How to Store Uncooked Meringue Mixture: 2 Easy Methods

Unfortunately, meringues are very delicate. Even uncooked mixture isn't shelf-stable. Today, we look at how to store uncooked meringue mixture, in the best way. We have developed techniques that are perfectly suited for the different types of meringues to ensure you can keep yours for as long as possible. And, both are very easy to use! You don't even need any special equipment.
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American, French
Keyword: Can I keep the meringue mixture in the fridge?, Can meringue be made ahead of time?, How do you store meringues before using them?, How long will homemade meringues keep?, how to store meringues, How to Store Uncooked Meringue Mixture: Easy Methods
Author: Cakedecorist


  • Rubber or silicone spatula
  • Airtight container
  • Plastic or saran wrap


  • Place the meringue mixture into an airtight container
    Decant the meringue mixture into an airtight container. Use a rubber or silicone spatula to ensure you get as much mixture into the container to prevent any wastage.
    Meringue is also very porous, so we prefer using glass containers. They can be sterilized which will remove any fats, stains, and odors. This will directly mean that your meringue will have a longer shelf life.
  • Seal the meringue mixture
    Next, level out the mixture into the container. Do not press it too tightly as that will simply remove air from it. And, as you may know, you need an aerated meringue mixture. Then, place a sheet of plastic or saran wrap directly onto the surface of the meringue. This technique will help prevent the surface from drying out and a skin from forming.
  • Store the mixture in a fridge
    Once the plastic sheet is covering the meringue, place the airtight lid onto the container. Set the mixture inside of the fridge.
    Make sure it is completely away from any cooked foods or raw perishable ingredients. Also, try to not store it at the back of the fridge. This area is usually very cold and may even freeze your meringue mixture.
    Use the mixture the next day. It won't last very long. Otherwise, you will need to freeze it.


If you store uncooked meringue, make sure to use it within a day. Otherwise, freeze the entire container for later use. The mixture won't have the best features when thawed, but at least you won't be wasting any mixture.
Always make sure your containers are free of stains, odors, and fattiness. Both these kinds of meringues are highly porous and will easily be spoilt be these elements.
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How long will homemade meringues keep?

Your homemade dried meringue treats will last up to 2 weeks if they are stored properly. If not, they will become moist and sticky, and even melt away completely.

How do you store meringues before using them?

If you are making uncooked meringue mixture and need to store it for a couple of hours or a day, here is how you can do that. First, place the mixture inside a clean airtight container. Then, add a sheet of plastic wrap directly onto the surface. Finally, store the meringue inside the fridge for one day.

Can I keep the meringue mixture in the fridge?

You can store the uncooked meringue mixture inside the fridge. But, only for one day. And, you have to use our technique mentioned above to ensure it will even keep that long.

Can meringue be made ahead of time?

Meringue mixtures (uncooked meringue) shouldn't be made ahead of time. At the most, you can make it the previous day. But then, you have to use it the next day. It is a highly perishable ingredient with a fragile texture. Baked meringue treats (dried meringues) on the other hand can be made very far in advance.

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