Quick Recipe: How To Make A Chocolate Geode

How to make a chocolate geode? Rock candy geode, geode candy, candy geodes are becoming more popular in baking. It is for cakes. In addition to that, it can be for cupcakes and even cookies.

Let’s get started!


01 Five bags of chocolate morsels

02 4 cups of sugar

03 2 cups of water

04 5-6 drops of blue food coloring

05 1 tbsp of mint extract

05 One container of white fondant

Pour your sugar and water into a large saucepan. Afterward, bring sugar and water to a boil. Be sure to stir constantly. 


After that, roll your fondant into a 0.3 cm thick. Cut it into a circular shape with the same size as your egg mold's interior. 


Then, melt one bag of your chocolate morsels.  Afterward, pour your syrup about 3/4 inch high inside your egg molds.


And do not forget to allow it to rest overnight. Rotate it every other day for about 3 to 6 months.


Finally, when opening your geode, be cautious as it is hard as the real geode crystals.


Quick Recipe: How To Make A Chocolate Geode