How To Make Canned Chocolate Frosting Taste Homemade

If you are running out of time in making the frosting, you can use store-bought. You can try making canned chocolate frosting taste homemade.

Let’s get started!


01 2 16 oz. can of chocolate frosting

02 1/2 cup of unsalted butter (room temperature)

03 2 cups of confectioner’s sugar

04 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

05 1 tsp of vanilla extract

Flour Bowl

In a bowl, cream the butter with a hand or stand mixer on medium speed until the texture is smooth while gradually adding the cocoa powder.


Whip in the can of chocolate frosting to the batter. Using your rubber spatula, scrape the bowl’s corners to make sure the batter is evenly mixed.


Beat in the confectioners’ sugar, milk, and vanilla on low speed until well incorporated.


Shift the hand or stand mixer’s speed to high speed for 30 seconds to a minute or until the batter is fluffy. Keep in mind not to mix the batter by going over a minute.


How To Make Canned Chocolate Frosting Taste Homemade