Easy Decadent 3-Layer Italian Cream Cake From Cake Mix

This cake would usually be extremely labor-intensive to make. Luckily, we’ve developed a quick and easy Italian cream cake from cake mix recipe.

Let’s get started!


01 1 box (18.25-ounces) vanilla sponge cake mix

02 1 packet (3 ounces) vanilla pudding mix

03 1 teaspoon baking powder

04 2/3 cup water,room temperature

05 1/2 cup canola oil

To start, we will be making the cake batter first. Now, there are a few things to consider for the cake layers, mainly their size. 


As we have mentioned, this is a 3-layer cake, however, you can make as many or as few as you'd like. And, they don't have to be exceptionally thick. 


First, combine the cake mix, instant pudding mix, and baking powder into a large mixing bowl. 


In a separate bowl, whisk together water, oil, flavoring ingredients, and large eggs. Make sure that the ingredients are very well combined.


Easy Decadent 3-Layer Italian Cream Cake From Cake Mix