Delicious Vanilla Cake From Scratch With Pudding Mix

There is no doubt about it that cake is one of the best desserts out there. There are so many amazing flavor combinations. This delicious cake from scratch with pudding mix is a recipe you want to keep on hand.


01 3 1⁄2 cups cake flour

02  tablespoon baking powder

03 1 teaspoon salt

04 2 cups sugar

05 1 package instant vanilla pudding

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease the pan and sprinkle with sugar.


With a stand mixer, cream the butter, shortening, sugar, and pudding. Combine until fully mixed and smooth.


One at a time, add the eggs into the creamed mixture. Beat the mix together until fully combined.


Add the sour cream and vanilla into the mix. Mix together until fully combined.


Delicious Vanilla Cake From Scratch With Pudding Mix