A tube pan is really the only type of baking pan that closely resembles a bundt pan. Unfortunately, the only resemblance is its donut shape. Tube pans are generally much bigger compared to bundt pans and have straight sides.
You can use a plain round cake pan or a springform cake pan. A springform cake pan has removable sides which will make it easier to loosen the cake from the pan and get it out without breaking the cake.
If you are using cake rings, you will need a large one and a much smaller one. The concept works in the same way as the DIY bundt cake alternative does. The smaller cake ring is placed inside of the large cake ring to resemble a tube cake pan.
Pie dishes have very short sides but will do in a pinch. And, they often have fluted edges that will hint at the idea of a bundt cake. You can also stack layers of cake made using the pie dish to make a type of layered bundt cake.
You may be completely confused as to why we would recommend a muffin pan as a bundt pan substitution. The matter of fact is that almost every baker will have a muffin pan, so it is arguably the easiest substitution.
If you don’t own a bundt pan it doesn’t mean that you cannot make bundt cake!You can use any of our effortless alternatives and simply adjust the baking times.Find out more tips and tricks in the link below.