Sensational Chocolate Trifle Recipes With Oreos

If you are looking for a fun and unique dessert, look no further than these chocolate trifle recipes with Oreos. Packed full of flavor, they are great for serving at dinner parties. Your guests won’t be able to resist their delicious flavor.


01 2 cups heavy cream

02 2 cups whole milk

03 1 cup granulated sugar

04 1/4 cup cornstarch

05 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder

In a medium saucepan, mix the milk and sugar with 1 3/4 cups of heavy cream. Let the mix reach a simmer on low heat, stirring occasionally for around 12 minutes.


Using a fine sieve, sift the cornstarch and cocoa powder into a medium bowl. Next, whisk the eggs into the mixture and add the rest of the heavy cream.


Whisk together the hot milk mixture and the cocoa powder mixture. Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring regularly, for about 30 minutes.


Place your chopped chocolate into a medium heat-proof bowl and place a fine sieve over it. Strain your pudding using the fine sieve into the bowl.


Sensational Chocolate Trifle Recipes With Oreos