Peach Pie With Crumb Topping Made Easy

Fruit pies are my absolute favorite kind of dessert as they are delicious and go great with ice cream, so today I decided to share my peach pie with crumb topping recipe.

Let’s get started!


01 1 cup of all-purpose flour

02 1/3 of a cup of shortening

03 2 tablespoons of cold water

04 1/2 teaspoon of salt

Mix the Flour and Salt


The first thing we need to address is this flaky pastry. You want to mix the flour and salt together first in a ...

Add the Water


If you have a pastry blender this will be easier. Just turn it on and let it do it’s magic, adding the water one tablespoon at a time until the pastry cleans off the sides of the bowl.

Make a Ball with the Pastry


Make a ball with the pastry and transfer it to your counter or table. Make sure to flour the area first so that it does not stick.

Roll your Pastry


While you preheat your oven to 425ºF, roll your pastry into the shape of your pie dish. Make sure you have an extra 2 inches to account for the height of the pie.

Peach Pie With Crumb Topping Made Easy