You can feed about forty-eight to ninety-six people if you make a sheet cake pan of eighteen by twenty-four inches; keep in mind that it is ideal for grand company celebrations and charities.
In general, how many servings are in a sheet cake? Most of the time, a quarter sheet cake has about twelve servings, whereas a half sheet cake has approximately twenty-four servings. And a full sheet cake can have around forty-eight servings.
You can have around 48 servings for a full sheet cake. At the same time, 24 servings for a half sheet cake. And you will get about 12 servings for a quarter sheet cake.
For a full sheet cake, you can have approximately 64 servings. In addition to that, you will get about 36 servings of a half sheet cake. And 18 servings for a quarter sheet cake.
In most cases, you will get about 117 servings for a full sheet cake; you can have around 54 servings for a half sheet cake. And 24 servings for a quarter sheet cake.
For the most part, a full sheet cake has up to 192 servings. In contrast, you can have approximately 108 servings for a half-sheet cake. And you can have around 54 servings for a quarter sheet cake.
Nowadays, most individuals prefer to use the services of a supermarket bakery when a big cake is necessary; keep in mind that there is a broad range of prepared cake designs that you can learn for any event in a short time.
Find out more tips and tricks in the link below.