Amazingly Delicious Pillsbury Cinnamon Roll Icing Recipe

For many sweet-tooth enthusiasts, there is no such thing as too much frosting. Many of us love the sweet taste of cinnamon rolls, that ooze with delicious frosting.

Let’s get started!


01 2 tablespoons of softened butter

02 1 ½ ounces of cream cheese

03 ¾ cup of powdered sugar

04 1 tablespoon of half and half

05 ¼ teaspoon of vanilla

First, you will want to beat the butter and cream cheese in a bowl with an electric mixer on an average speed until it is blended.


Once that is done, add the vanilla, half and half and powdered sugar. Mix all the ingredients together until it is smooth. After doing that, add the frosting to warm cinnamon rolls.


For best results, add the frosting to the cinnamon roll while it is still warm to allow the frosting to melt a bit, before making a delicious snack.


If you want to take your cinnamon rolls to another level, you can add orange juice and orange zest to your frosting. 


Amazingly Delicious Pillsbury Cinnamon Roll Icing Recipe